Women of TrueHope
TrueHope ladies ministry exists to worship Jesus, reflect Jesus, and share Jesus. We value real relationships, constant prayer, open-handed living, and the authority of God's Word.
Because everyone matters, we offer several ways for women of all ages and walks of life to connect with each other and grow to know Jesus more including daily, weekly, and quarterly opportunities.
2023 Focus


FLOURISH is a mentoring journey that combines being rooted in the Word of God and learning from other women in different stages in their walk with Jesus.
Throughout your FLOURISH journey you will:
Build relationships and community with other women.
Explore what the Bible says about the Word, Prayer, Identity, Calling, Relationships, and Gratitude.
Learn to wholeheartedly love and follow Jesus.
Challenge how your individual story fits into God’s larger redemption story.

Not available on Thursday nights? Any of our ladies would love to get together with you to learn and grow together as we go through the Flourish books and the Word.